Saturday, November 8, 2008

Welcome Home Uncle Greg

Welcome home Uncle Greg. To celebrate Uncle Greg returning home after being over in Iraq for the last year we went to Tepanyaki to celebrate his home coming. This is the first time Christy, Kaden, and I have ever been there. Kaden was so excited to see how they cooked the food and the fire. He tried to eat with his chop sticks and ate all kinds of new foods. Kaden wore him self out that by the time we hit the freeway to go home he was out cold. It was great fun and so nice to see Greg again. Greg will be leaving Wednesday to go to Germany for the next year on another military contract. Good Luck Greg and we will miss you!!!!

1 comment:

Jess and Kip said...

That sounds really fun! I am excited you set up your blog so I can keep posted on what is new in your life. It's very addicting so prepare to be addicted!